The Pros and Cons of Using AI Writing Tools

By Shouvik Banerjee | Updated June 28, 2024

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AI writing tools are becoming increasingly prevalent in the world of content creation. While they offer several potential benefits, it’s important to also consider the potential drawbacks of using them.

On the plus side, AI writing tools can help streamline the writing process, generate ideas quickly, and ensure consistency across a large volume of content. They can free up time for human writers to focus on the more creative and strategic aspects of their work.

However, many things have been said about AI-generated content lacking the nuance, emotion, and authenticity of human-written copy. And not to forget the questions about the reliability and accuracy of AI-generated text. Without careful oversight and editing, the generative text is useless.

In this blog post, I will list the pros and cons of using AI-generated text for multiple purposes and outline the correct way of using AI writing tools.

What Are AI Writing Tools?

Image courtesy: Writesonic

AI writing tools are intelligent systems that leverage advanced language models and machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality and engaging content.

Unlike traditional writing, AI tools can produce content at scale, offering a wide range of benefits. They can help overcome writer’s block, streamline research, and ensure consistent brand voice and messaging across various platforms.

One of the biggest benefits of AI is that writers can outsource the more mundane and time-consuming tasks of content creation to machines. This allows for greater efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, better output.

It is worth noting that AI writing tools are still evolving and the current ones available are not perfect by any stretch. But from what I’ve seen so far, the future will belong to tech-savvy writers and marketers who embrace AI technologies for their content needs.

Pros of using AI writing tools

Here are some of the benefits of using AI writing tools:

1. Speed and Efficiency

How many times have you sat staring at a blank screen, wondering if your words will ever flow again? I know I have on countless occasions. And for years I have yearned for a tool that could provide me with a working template or at least a prompt.

AI writing tools have made my life easier. Now, I don’t have to agonize over the perfect opening line or struggle to find the right tone. These AI marvels can do it all, from generating captivating headlines to crafting smooth, engaging blog posts. It’s like having a team of writing ninjas at my beck and call.

And the best part is the speed at which AI achieves its goals. Practically at the click of a button, these tools can churn out content of any length. Whether you need an 80-word Instagram post or an 800-word blog, you will get it all within a few minutes at max.

2. Enhanced Creativity

Imagine having a digital assistant that can not only spell-check your work but also generate ideas that would make even Shakespeare nod in approval. With AI-powered writing tools like Rytr, Writesonic, and Jasper, you can bid farewell to those dreaded bouts of writer’s block and say hello to a world of endless creative possibilities.

Gone are the days of racking your brains over the perfect copy. These AI magicians will do the heavy lifting for you, leaving you free to focus on the fun part – unleashing your inner creative genius!

Who knows, maybe you might end up with a stellar copy or at the very least, a blog post that won’t put your readers to sleep.

3. Improved Grammar and Style

You know what they say, “Proper grammar is the difference between knowing your s*** and knowing you’re s***.” And that’s where AI writing tools come in to save the day!

AI writing assistants like Grammarly and ProWritingAid are like the grammar police but without bad attitudes and donut addiction. They’ll swoop in, scan your text, and point out all those pesky little mistakes you didn’t even know you were making.

Suddenly, your sentences will be standing up straight, your commas will be in all the right places, and your spelling will be on point (goodbye, autocorrect fails!). It’s like having a personal English tutor who doesn’t judge you for not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

So, if you’re tired of looking like a linguistic train wreck, let the AI writing tools work their magic. Your grammar and style will be so on-point, that people will think you actually paid attention in school. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Image courtesy: Prowritingaid

4. SEO Optimization

Picture this – you’re staring at a blank document, your fingers poised over the keyboard, and the only thing you can think about is how many times you can cram the phrase “best dog treats” into a 500-word article. That’s where the AI writing tools come in, like some sort of digital Gandalf, whispering the secrets of search engine domination into your ear.

“Use this keyword 8 times,” it’ll say, “and throw in a few LSI keywords for good measure.” And just like that, your content is optimized to the nines, ready to climb the rankings like a keyword-fueled mountain goat.

But wait, there’s more! These AI tools can also generate meta descriptions, title tags, and alt text that will keep the search engines very very happy. Tools like AISEO and Surfer SEO are automated SEO experts that come at a fraction of the cost.

5. Consistency

Want your tone to be perfectly snarky throughout? AI has your back. Need to maintain a consistent voice even when you’re, let’s say, a little tipsy during the late-night writing session? AI will make sure your work is as polished as your favorite wine glass.

You can now say goodbye to those pesky inconsistencies that make your boss’s eye twitch. No more switching between Oxford commas and the “I do what I want” approach. AI keeps everything neat, tidy, and on-brand, like a military-grade organizational freak.

So, let the robots handle the boring stuff, and you can focus on the real magic – making your words sing (or at least, making them sound vaguely competent). It’s a win-win for everyone involved, except maybe your ego. But hey, who needs that when you’ve got AI consistency on your side?

Cons of Using AI Writing Tools

Many skeptics are still not buying the hype. And they have many reasons not to. AI writing tools – regardless of their amazing capabilities – have some shortcomings that might put off even the hardest fans of AI.

Let’s look at some of these cons.

1. Lack of Originality

The other day I was dabbling with an AI writing tool, and I asked it to write a blog post on the top 5 AI writing assistants. What did I get? A generic, cookie-cutter piece that sounded like all the other blog posts on Google.

I mean, sure the content pieces were creative, but were they original? By that, I don’t mean something that passes the plagiarism test.

What I wanted was something unique, something with personality. A little humor would have not harmed. But it’s almost as if these AI tools cannot think outside the box. They just regurgitate the same old talking points and buzzwords, without a single ounce of originality.

Where’s the pizazz? The ability to make me think or at least chuckle in amusement? I might as well have asked my toaster to write the blog post – at least then I’d get some nice, evenly browned content.

2. Contextual Errors

If you think AI writing tools are the silver bullet to all your copywriting woes, think again! While these writing assistants can produce copy in seconds, they often lack context or originality.

The contextual errors are not intentional, even though it might feel like these AI tools have a sixth sense for saying the most hilariously inappropriate things. You’ll be sitting there, scratching your head, wondering how on earth “dogs playing poker” is relevant to your blog post about sustainable gardening.

They are, after all, machines and they produce content based on commands. If you’re looking to inject some much-needed humor and human touch into your copywriting, you have to use your brain. Unless, of course, you’re cool with sounding like a soulless corporate automaton.

3. Over-Reliance

Will AI take over the world and leave us all unemployed? That is, perhaps, the next big question after, “What is life?” While AI tools, at least in the case of writing, are imperfect, there seems to be an increasing dependency on them.

It’s like we’re all becoming digital Frankensteins, creating AI monsters that can churn out content faster than a herd of typewriting monkeys. Before we know it, we’re sitting back, sipping our lattes, and letting the AI do all the work while we scroll through social media and pretend to be productive.

The big question is, are we going to become so reliant on these AI writing tools that we forget how to string two words together without a robot’s help? It’s like having a personal chef who makes all your meals, and then one day you find yourself staring at a box of cereal, completely lost.

Over-reliance is a problem and I’m glad that the AI writing tools are inadequately equipped to handle complex writing tasks. But the future is changing faster than a baby’s diaper and AI writing tools will only become better.

4. Ethical Concerns

On one hand, AI assistants are like the cool kids at the party, getting all the attention and limelight. But then you find out their entire lifestyle is borrowed from their rich friends. Would you still want to be friends?

The biggest ethical concern for AI writing assistants is that someone else is doing the work for you. The same argument is often used to question Ghostwriting, which is a totally legitimate and even esteemed form of writing in some circles.

There are also questions about the blatant use of plagiarized content, which has been solved to an extent by plagiarism tools. However, the problem remains.

5. Cost

AI writing tools like Byword and Surfer SEO can put a dent in your wallet if you’re not careful. It’s like hiring a personal assistant who charges by the word – before you know it, your bank account is screaming for mercy.

And let’s not forget the hidden costs – the hours spent training the AI, the constant software updates, and the therapy sessions for your poor, overworked social media manager. It’s enough to make you long for the good old days of hiring a freelance writer who charged a flat rate and knew how to get the work done.

Best Practices for Using AI Writing Tools

Regardless of the drawbacks, let’s be real – AI writing tools are a game-changer for content creators. But like any powerful tool, you need to know how to use them properly.

I’m going to lay out two no-nonsense best practices to get the most out of AI writing assistants.

1. Complement, Don’t Replace

AI writing tools are not meant to replace human writers, but rather to complement our writing process. While these tools can generate content quickly and efficiently, they lack the nuance, creativity, and emotional intelligence that human writers bring to the table.

The role of AI in copywriting or any other form for that matter should be to assist and augment our abilities, not to fully automate the writing process. By using AI as a tool to generate ideas, conduct research, and handle the more mundane aspects of writing, we can free up our time and energy to focus on the higher-level, strategic aspects of content creation.

The most effective writing will come from a collaboration between humans and machines, where AI does the heavy lifting while human writers spend time humanizing it. We can embrace AI as a valuable asset in our toolkit without losing sight of the irreplaceable value of the human touch.

2. Keep Learning

Knowledge without application is useless. Application without knowledge is also useless. The only thing that matters is applying knowledge. The same goes for AI tools.

Let’s be real for a second – AI tools are not going to replace human creativity anytime soon. These tools are great for generating first drafts, ideation, and basic content, but they still lack the nuance and emotional intelligence that skilled copywriters bring to the table.

That said, ignoring the potential of AI writing tools would be a mistake. The more tech-savvy copywriters are already using these tools to streamline their workflow and free up time for the more strategic and creative aspects of their jobs.

The key is to learn how to use these tools and apply them in real-world scenarios. If an AI tool says it can write blogs that will rank on Google, don’t take it at face value. Use it, apply it! This will help you stay ahead of the curve and deliver better results for you, your clients, or your organization.


So, are AI writing tools going to replace us and force us to become professional dog walkers (which, let’s be honest, doesn’t sound too bad)? Or are these tools like little children in a fancy dress competition trying to be adults?

The answer is somewhere in between. While the claims on some of these tools are tall and wide, they are not entirely useless. Truth be told, I have found them quite useful. They can create content in the blink of an eye and with some adjustments, I can make them imitate my voice.

As you venture into the brave new world of AI writing tools, remember this: use them wisely, and harness their power, but never forget the true magic that can only come from the mind of a human writer.

(Note: Part of this blog post has been structured and written with the help of Rytr. However, it has been edited and proofread by a human writer.)

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